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Acts of TCC

Title: Endtime Prophecies
Date: 21 August 2008

Endtime Prophecies
by Rev Colin Gordon

"As I knelt to pray one evening, I literally saw the clock before me jump from 7pm to 11pm. I blinked several times to ensure I was seeing correctly, and suddenly it returned to 7pm. “I asked the Lord what this meant, and He said we are now living in the last days here on earth, or rather the 'eleventh hour’.

"As I continued praying, I saw a vision of a man riding a pale horse at great speed. Everywhere he struck with his sword, there emerged earthquakes, tornadoes, great floods and other natural disasters.  "Then the Lord said to me, 'Go to my Word and look up the fourth seal'. I found it in Revelation 6:8 which talks about the pale horse on whom sits a man called Death, and Hell follows him.

"After this, I saw a vision of future events. A major earthquake will hit Japan, devastating its economy. To revive itself, Japan will recall all its loans to the US, which at the time would be reeling from numerous calamities of its own. "The value of the US Dollar will fall drastically. Stocks, bonds and shares will become worthless. Big and small companies will collapse. Hundreds of thousands of people will be unable to pay their debts, and suicides will rise.  "There will be a great famine. Millions will die as they are unable to buy food due to soaring prices. The US will be hit by one of the biggest earthquakes in its history, and this will happen at a site that is not within its earthquake belt.

"The New York Stock Exchange will crash. I saw nations going to war with each other over oil. France will become a bitter enemy of the US. "China will be hit again by a devastating earthquake. About one million people will be hurt or dead. Drastic weather changes will take place, and large hailstones will fall out of the sky," prophesied Rev Collin.

He warned that God has revealed these things to prepare Christians. "Stop playing church, and get right with Him. The time will come when only God can provide security   not money, gold, silver or jobs," he said.

However, Rev Collin consoled that the faithful need not fear, for despite his frightening prophesies, there will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and that God's children will never lack.  Nonetheless, he continued his warning that Christians must pray more, seek His face and get their lives and hearts right with God. "Those who do not build their house on the Spiritual Rock will not endure the great tribulation that is coming," he stressed.

In interpreting his visions, Rev Collin said only the first to fourth seals spoken of in the Book of Revelation have already been broken.  "Christians will be in the midst of the tribulation only when the fifth seal is broken. We are now at the threshold of this tribulation, which is why there is no more time for games. So stop being Sunday Christians," he admonished.

Rev Collin said Christians can ascertain that the end is very near when the Jewish temple on Temple Mount, in Jerusalem, is built.  'The items that go inside the temple, such as the ritual vessels, are all ready. Even the priests have been trained. Now, it's just a question of building the temple.  "However, due to political reasons, there have been tremendous obstacles preventing the temple from being built.  "Nonetheless, biblical prophecy indicates that this temple will indeed be built! The current political climate will change to allow this prophecy to come to pass," Rev Collin stressed.

The complete version of Rev Collin Gordon's prophecies is available in CD format. To purchase a copy priced at RM 10, please call Trinity Community Centre at: (office) 0377842839 or 0377831521.

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